History of Startrights 1951 to 2024

On the 6th of December 2011, we celebrated 60 years trading.
Many thanks to all our customers,friends and fellow motorcycle traders who came to our open day to help us celebrate.
Startrights is the best known motorcycle spares dealer in Leeds. Our customers describe us as 'a proper bike shop'.You really can't define that but trading as a family business for over 60 years has a lot to do with it.
My Dad, Rex Wilshaw started Startright Motors with next to no cash but lots of enthusiasm.
Recently demobbed from the RAF in 1951, my Dad vowed never EVER to take orders from anyone again.
Startrights began as a partnership but within a few months, the others (Perhaps for the best?) Had turned their backs on being self employed, leaving my Dad on his own.
A disastrous deal with a typical money lender of the time;Woodland finance, off Roundhay road, Leeds (No longer around), who signed people up for finance to buy bikes,included a 'buy back' clause, which was a total disaster for Startrights because in 1952 to 1953 letters started arriving at Chariot street saying due to non payment by your customers.....(It was called a repurchase guarantee).
The safeguards on money lending didn't exist then so it was my Dad who had to foot the bill,when after a year, the purchasers had fallen into arrears with their finance, it was us that had to pay instead!
My Dad didn't like talking about it but he did say some things I won't repeat, it was nearly 20 years later when he finished paying off 'the debt'.
The bikes were repossessed due to non payment, there were some good customers for whom we will be forever grateful,but a surprising number had ridden the bikes until they expired through lack of servicing. Few of the bikes were in a fit state to be repaired, once assessed after recovery,they were mostly dismantled for spares to try and meet the payments of the moneylender.....
So, the trend was set, and we dismantled motorcycles to make ends meet and still do so to this day.
Notes for me; detail needed, date of move from Chariot Street to Meadow Road, Meadow road to Water lane, Water Lane to Hunslet Road.